Welcome to the website of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Kyambogo University. I encourage you to browse the different pages, where you will be able to find detailed information about or programmes, our faculty members and their research areas, our partners and the broad range of activities that are underway at the department.
The department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has a long and profound tradition of educating electrical and electronic engineers. Our programmes empower students with the knowledge and skills required to undergo a successful engineering career. We offer degree and diploma programmes from all major branches of electrical engineering.
The department has recently been furnished and equipped with modern laboratory equipment in the areas of power engineering, telecommunications, instrumentation, control and biomedical engineering. Most of the areas around the department have been provided with wireless internet access and students can gather in these areas and either study or have group discussions comfortably with the wireless internet and laptop power support.
One of the key goals of the department is to develop innovative programs, so that our students are always at the leading edge. We utilize flexible teaching delivery methods such as lectures, tutorials, practicals and also utilize online learning using Moodle.
The department continues to offer world class, challenging and well balanced learning environment that has produced engineers that are employed by major Power, Telecommunication and ICT companies in Uganda and abroad.
Research is our key focus. Our research funding continues to grow with funding from government and private partners. We have a partnership with National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U) to promote ICT in Uganda. One of our current projects is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through our partners, the University of Southampton.
I hope you will explore our programs and the research interests of the faculty. We are always open to new opportunities for collaboration and research. If you have questions or you would like to explore a specific interest, feel free to contact us.
Niwareeba Roland
Head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department