Introduction-IEEE Day
This is day when engineers around the world and IEEE members share technical ideas to any place of their choice ever since 1884. The day’s theme is entitled, “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. The world benefits from what’s new, but IEEE on the other hand focuses on what’s next. IEEE Day 2018 is the 9th edition of the same and was celebrated on the 2nd October in Uganda Sub-Section.
Uganda Sub-section
IEEE Uganda Sub-section is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity in Uganda. The vision is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. It is made up of a steering committee of five members led by Dr. Julius Butiime.
To provide services for members, IEEE depends not only on a well-trained staff but also on thousands of dedicated volunteers, including Student Branch officers, faculty counsellors, Section officers, and Regional volunteers. The Student Activities Committee, Student Services, Headquarters staff, Student Branch Chapters, Student Branch affinity groups, and faculty counsellors are all committed to the success of the student program. To date, IEEE Uganda Subsection has two fully functioning student Branches. These include; Makerere University Student Branch and Kyambogo University Student Branch.
IEEE Day Organising Committee
The Organising committee for the IEEE Day was made up of over 40 members from a joint combined effort of both Makererere University Student Branch and Kyambogo University Student Branch. This team was spear headed by the IEEE Day Ambassadors from Uganda some of whose names include; Ms. Ephrance Eunice Namugenyi, Mr. Vincent Olema (The Africa Lead Chair) and Mr. Roland Niwareeba (Kyambogo University Student Branch counselor).
Part of the Organizing Committee IEEE Day
While we sat as a team, we thought of Kyambogo College School as the first priority being in the neighbourhood of Kyambogo University. We were made up of students’ volunteers, young professionals and staff from Kyambogo University and Makerere University, IEEE Student Branches. We celebrated this day with the school by introducing IEEE and IEEE Day, sharing the benefits and different ideas our team has come up with in the past with specifically the science students and the young ones intending to join Engineering in the near future.
We initiated, motivated and promoted science and technology in the school which accepted to work with us during this enjoyable day. The School gave us a total number of 530 students.
Day’s Programme
The programme included, opening remarks from the head of the school and key note speeches from both student branches, the Regional Lead- Africa, the counsellors and project presentations from four of the students in the student branches. The projects presented included, modern Agriculture, design and construction of an automatic Restaurant menu ordering system and design and construction of microcontroller based automatic railway gate control system. The students showed great excitement and interest in the projects presented especially the latter. We spent most of the early morning preparing and making the venue comfortable for each and every participant; transferring furniture from here and there and the like. The main program started immediately after the students had taken their lunch. We ended the program by cutting a cake with the label IEEE Day. We shared a couple of drinks and took a number of pictures and videos some of which are included in this report. The days program is summarized in the table below:
Eunice EphranceNamugenyi
IEEE Ambassador, Uganda.
Kyambogo University Student Branch
Email: ephrancenamugenyi@ieee.orgTel: +256 777 084882